Conference Program (Abstracts)

Plenary Lectures and Presentations
I. Numerical Methods and Parallel Algorithms (Talks, Stend reports)
II. Turbulence and Acoustics Problems (Talks, Stend reports)
III. Combustion Problems (Talks, Stend reports)
IV. Metacomputing and GRID Technologies (Talks)
V. Environment and Ecology Problems (Talks, Stend reports)
VI. Plasma and Kinetics Problems (Talks, Stend reports)
VII. Parallel Software (Talks, Stend reports)
VIII. Heat and Mass Transfer Problems (Talks, Stend reports)
IX. Aerodynamic and Hydrodynamic Flows (Talks, Stend reports)

Plenary Lectures and Presentations

Suga A. Sugavanam
CFD on the BlueGene/L Supercomputer
USA, Center of Competency, WW High Performance Computing, Industrial Sector, IBM Server Group

Osamu Inoue
DNS of the Generation and Propagation of Sound
Japan, Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University

Vladimir E. Fortov, Igor V. Lomonosov
Equations of State of Matter at Extreme Conditions
Russia, Institute of High Energy Density Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences

Toan Nguyen
Grid Computing in Multidisciplinary CFD Optimization Problems: the Challenge of Multi-physics Industrial Applications
France, INRIA Rhone-Alpes, Projet OPALE

Andrew T. Hsu, Sule Celasun, Tianliang Yang, Akin Ecer, Isaac Lopez
Lattice Boltzmann Method for Compressible Flow Simulations
USA, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis

Aleksey V. Zabrodin, Victor V. Korneev
Parallel Computations in Solving Modern Problems of Science and Technology
Russia, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences

Oleg M. Belotserkovski
Mathematical Modeling using Supercomputers with Parallel Architecture
Russia, Institute for Computer Aided Design, Russian Academy of Sciences

Veniamin P. Myasnikov, Anton M. Krivtsov
Molecular Dynamics Modeling of Thermal-induced Structure Reorganization and Residual Stresses Accumulation in Solids
Russia, Institute of Automation and Control Processes

Dietmar Kroener, T. Gessner
Simulation of Combustion with Detailed Chemistry
Germany, Abteilung Angewandte Mathematik, Universitaet Freiburg

Edwin Vollebregt, Mark Roest
Software Frameworks for Integrated Modelling
Netherlands, VORtech Computing

Frank Baetke
Technology Trends in High Performance Computing
Germany, Hewlett-Packard Company, Germany division

Herbert Cornelius
High-Performance Computing on Intel® Architecture – The New Paradigm Shift for Supercomputing
Germany, Intel Munich

Speaker talks:

I. Numerical Methods and Parallel Algorithms

Martin Maihoefer, Albert Ruprecht
A Local Grid Refinement Algorithm on Modern High-Performance Computers
Germany, Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery, University of Stuttgart

Dan G. Calugaru, Damien Tromeur-Dervout
Aitken Acceleration of Dirichlet-Neumann for Flow in Porous Media with Discontinuous Permeability
France, MCS / CDCSP - ISTIL, University Lyon 1

Mikhail V. Iakobovski, Sergey N. Boldyrev, Sergey A. Sukov
Big Unstructured Mesh Processing on Multiprocessor Computer Systems
Russia, Institute for Mathematical Modelling, Russian Academy of Sciences

Jong-Shinn Wu, K.-C. Tseng
Concurrent DSMC Method Combining Variable Time-Step and Adaptive Unstructured Mesh
Taiwan, Gas Dynamics & Kinetics Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Chiao-Tung University

Vladimir P. Memnonov
Coupling Scheme for Continuum and Parallel DSMC Parts to a Numerical Solution of a Two-Dimensional Subsonic Problem
Russia, St.Petersburg University, Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics

Valentin F. Spiridonov, Samuil M. Bakhrakh, S. V. Velichko
Crash-free Technology for Continuum Flow Computations Using "Legak" Code on Multiprocessor Computer Systems

Andrei V. Smirnov
Domain coupling with the DOVE scheme
USA, West Virginia University, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Alexander G. Churbanov, Petr N. Vabishchevich
Domain Decomposition Techniques to Solve the Navier-Stokes Equations
Russia, Institute for Mathematical Modelling, Russian Academy of Sciences

O. Dia, Marc Garbey
Heterogeneous domain decomposition for multiple scale problems
USA, Department of computer science, University of Houston

Igor N. Egorov, Gennadiy V. Kretinin, I. A. Leshchenko, S. V. Kuptzov
Novell Methods for Engineering Optimization
Russia, IOSO Technology Center

Andrei I. Tolstykh, M. V. Lipavskii, E. N. Chigirev
On arbitrary-order schemes for parallel CFD calculations
Russia, Computing Center of Russian Academy of Sciences

Yuri V. Vassilevski, K. N. Lipnikov
Parallel Adaptive Solution of Stokes and Oseen Problems on Unstructured 3D Meshes
Russia, Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences

Vladimir V. Aristov, Anna A. Frolova, Serguei A. Zabelok
Parallel Algorithms of Direct Solving the Boltzmann Equation in Aerodynamics Problems
Russia, Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Igor Ye. Kaporin, Igor N. Konshin
Parallel Conjugate Gradient Preconditioning via Incomplete Cholesky of Overlapping Submatrices
Russia, Computing Center of Russian Academy of Sciences

Olga Yu. Miliukova
Parallel Iterative Methods with Factorized Preconditioners for Discrete Elliptic Equations
Russia, Institute for Mathematical Modelling, Russian Academy of Sciences

II. Turbulence and Acoustics Problems

Svetlana M. Garina, Marina Ye. Ladonkina, Nadezhda G. Proncheva, Vladimir F. Tishkin, Nikolay V. Zmitrenko
A Study of a Gravity-Gradient Mixing Properties by the Means of a Direct Numerical Modeling
Russia, Institute for Mathematical Modelling, Russian Academy of Sciences

Evgueni M. Smirnov, Alexey G. Abramov, Nikolay G. Ivanov, Pavel E. Smirnov, Sergey A. Yakubov
DNS and RANS/LES-Computations of Complex Geometry Flows Using a Parallel Multiblock Finite-Volume Code
Russia, Department of Aerodynamics, St.-Petersburg State Polytechnical University

Neil D. Sandham, Zhiwei Hu, Roderick Johnstone
DNS of Turbulent Flow on an IBM p690 Cluster
United Kingdom, School of Engineering Sciences, University of Southampton

Vladimir G. Bobkov, Tatiana K. Kozubskaya
High Accuracy Simulation of Acoustic Noise from Sources in Pipes
Russia, Institute for Mathematical Modelling, Russian Academy of Sciences

Konstantin N. Volkov
Large Eddy Simulation of Internal Turbulent Flows
United Kingdom, University of Central Lancashire

Igor I. Wertgeim, Victor G. Zakharov
Numerical Methods and Parallel Algorithms for Study of Burgers Turbulence
Russia, Institute of Continuum Mechanics

Vadim A. Zhmailo, O. G. Sinkova, V. P. Statsenko, Yuri V. Yanilkin, A. P. Guzhova, A. S. Pavlunin
Numerical Simulation of Gravitational Turbulent Mixing with the Acceleration Sign Changed

Samuil M. Bakhrakh, N. A. Volodina, P. N. Nizovtsev, Valentin F. Spiridonov
Numerical Simulation of Initial Perturbation Growth with Oblique-angle Impact of Metal Slabs

Yuri V. Yanilkin, O. G. Sinkova, V. P. Statsenko
Numerical Simulation of the Experiment on Turbulent Mixing After the Repeated Shock Wave Passages across the Interface

Kwang-Hua W. Chu
Numerical Study for the Stability of Flows Induced by Surface Acoustic Waves along a Slab
China, Northwest Normal University, Department of Physics

Andrei V. Smirnov, Ibrahim Yavuz, Cem Ersahin, Ismail Celik
Parallel Computations of Turbulent Wakes
USA, West Virginia University, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Valentin A. Gushchin, Alexei V. Kostomarov, Paul V. Matyushin, Elena R. Pavlyukova, Tatyana I. Rozhdestvenskaya
Parallel Computing of 3D Separated Homogeneous and Stratified Fluid Flows around the Bluff Bodies
Russia, Institute for Computer Aided Design, Russian Academy of Sciences

Li Jiang, Chaoqun Liu
Parallel DNS for Flow Separation and Transition around Airfoil
USA, Center for Numerical Simulation and Modeling, Department of Mathematics, University of Texas at Arlington

Ying Xu, James M. McDonough, Tianliang Yang, Kaveh A. Tagavi
Parallelization of Phase-field Model for Transformation Problem
USA, Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics, University of Kentucky

III. Combustion Problems

Marc Zolver, J. Bohbot, D. Klahr, A. Torres
An Unstructured Parallel Solver for Multi-phase and Reactive Flows in Internal Combustion Engines
France, Institute Francais du Petrole

Fariborz Taghipour
Development of a CFD Based Simulator for Design Optimization of Photo-Reactors
Canada, Chemical & Biological Engineering Department, University of British Columbia

Leonid Minkov, Sergey V. Timchenko, A. Selikhovkin
Hybrid Parallel Algorithm for Nonequilibrium Viscous Reaction Gas Mixture Numerical Simulation

Dmitry M. Davidenko, Iskender Gokalp, Emmanuel Dufour, Daniel Gaffie
Numerical Simulation of Supersonic Combustion of Methane-Hydrogen Fuel in an Experimental Combustion Chamber
France, CNRS-LCSR, Laboratory of Combustion and Reacting Systems

Dmitry A. Lysenko, Alexander A. Solomatnikov, Nikolai N. Shabrov, Mikhail V. Lopatin
Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Heat Transfer in Gas Turbine Combustion Chambers with Application of Parallel Techniques in CFD Package FLUENT
Russia, Joint stock company Leningradsky Metallichesky Zavod

IV. Metacomputing and GRID Technologies

Kum Won Cho, KuChun-ho Sung, Sangsan Lee, Dehee Kim, Jang H. Kwon
3-D Wing Simulation with Design Optimization on Grid Computing Environment
South Korea, Supercomputing Research Department, KISTI Supercomputing Center

Soon-Heum Ko, Sangsan Lee, Kim Chongam, Oh-Hyun Rho
A Grid-based Flow Analysis and Investigation of Load Balance in Heterogeneous Computing Environment
South Korea, Aerodynamic Simulation Laboratory, Seoul National University

Yurij P. Galyuk, Vladimir P. Memnonov, Valerij I. Zolotarev
Dynamic Load Balance Technique for Distributed Computations on Parallel Heterogeneous Clusters
Russia, St.Petersburg University, Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics

Marc Garbey
Generalized Aitken-Schwarz method for Metacomputing
USA, Department of Computer Science, University of Houston

Stanley Chien, Akin Ecer, Hasan U. Akay, Yudong Wang
Grid Scheduler with Dynamic Load Balancing for Parallel CFD
USA, CFD Laboratory, Purdue School of Engineering and Technology, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

Damien Tromeur-Dervout
Krylov Method Algorithms Adapted to the Grid Computing
France, MCS / CDCSP - ISTIL, University Lyon

Erdal Yilmaz, Akin Ecer, Resat U. Payli, Stanley Chien, Hasan U. Akay
Parallel Computing in Grid Environment
USA, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, Purdue School of Engineering and Technology

Man Y. Ha, Seung D. Hong, Dae S. Lee, Jae R. Lee, Sang S. Lee
Performance test of CFD code in the Grid environment
South Korea, School of Mechanical Engineering, Pusan National University

V. Environment and Ecology Problems

Hirofumi Tomita, Koji Goto, Masaki Satoh
A Comparison Study of Computational Performance between a Spectral Transform Model and a Gridpoint Model
Japan, Frontier Research System for Global Change, Yokohama institute of Earth Sciences

Yukio Tanaka, Motohiko Tsugawa, Yuichi Mimura
Development of a High Resolution Parallel Ocean Circulation Model on the Earth Simulator
Japan, Frontier Research System for Global Change

Alexander G. Klovo, Gennady V. Kupovich, Alexander G. Marchenko, Alexander I. Sukhinov
Hydrotermodynamic Model for Sea Surface Layer and its Realization on the Distributed Computing Cluster
Russia, Mathematics department, Taganrog State University of Radio Engineering

Mikhail A. Tolstykh
Implementation of a Global Semi-Lagrangian Numerical Weather Prediction Model on Parallel Computers
Russia, Institute for Numerical Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences

Andrej V. Glazunov, Vasily N. Lykosov
Large-eddy Simulation of the Atmospheric and Ocean Boundary Layers and Implementation of Modelling on Computational Systems of Parallel Architecture
Russia, Institute for Numerical Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences

Boris G. Mikhailenko, Alexander A. Mikhailov, Galina V. Reshetova
Laterally Heterogeneous Whole Earth Modeling Based on the Spectral Fourier-Laguerre Method
Russia, Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics, Siberian Branch of RAS

Tamara A. Sushkevich
Mathematical Modeling of the Multidimensional Radiation Transfer Problems with Parallel Computing
Russia, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences

Sergey A. Strelkov, Tamara A. Sushkevich, Ekaterina V. Vladimirova, Ekaterina I. Ignatijeva, Alexey K. Kulikov, Svetlana V. Maksakova, Vladimir V. Kozoderov, Boris A. Fomin, Evgeney A. Zhitnitskii, Irina N. Melnikova, Aleksandr N. Volkovich
New Automatic Code Radiation Earth with Parallel Computing
Russia, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences

Valery N. Gloukhov, Vasily N. Lykosov
Parallel Computations in Problems of Climate Modelling
Russia, Institute for Numerical Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences

Gabriel Winter Althaus, Blas G. Gonzalez, Begona G. Landin, David G. Sanchez, Onesimo M. Ntanga, Silvia A. Lorenzo
Solving Economic and Environmental Optimal Control in Dumping of Sewage with a Flexible and Parallel Evoluationary Computation
Spain, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC)

VI. Plasma and Kinetics Problems

Peter Wilders
Netherlands, Department of Mathematics, Delft University

Dmitry P. Kostomarov, S. V. Bulanov, I. N. Inovenkov, E. Y. Echkina, A. V. Leonenko, O. A. Pavlova
Application of Parallel Programming Method for 3D MHD Computer Simulations of Magnetic Reconnection in Plasma
Russia, Moscow State University, Departament of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics

Valeriy A. Galkin
Background of Computations for Mathematical Models Based on Conservation Laws Systems and Applications to Fluid Dynamics
Russia, State University of Nuclear Power Engineering

Rashit M. Shagaliev, A. V. Alexeyev, I. M. Belyakov, O. E. Vlasova, V. V. Evdokimov, A. A. Nuzhdin, V. Yu. Rezchikov, S. V. Subbot
Methods for Parallelization of Multigroup Transport Problems Solution for 2D and 3D Geometry

E. F. Lelikova, L. I. Rubina, Oleg N. Ulyanov, M. A. Chaschin
Parallel Computational Technologies for Radiation Transfer Problem
Russia, Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences

S. N. Lebedev, Elena M. Romanova, O. V. Stryakhnina
Parallel Computations to Solve Steady-state Transport Equations

Jaw-Yen Yang, Rong T. Hong, R. J. Chen
Parallel Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Sputter-Deposition Thin-Film Growth
Taiwan, Institute of Applied Mechanics, National Taiwan University

D. V. Khotyanovsky, D. D. Knight, A. N. Kudryavtsev, Mikhail S. Ivanov
Parallel Simulation of Laser-Induced Shock Wave Reflection Transition
Russia, Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Siberian Division of Russian Academy of Sciences

Valeri I. Saveliev
Study of Maxwell-Liouville-Vlasov Equation for Media with Discontinued Dielectric Properties
Russia, Obninsk State University of Nuclear Power Engineering

VII. Parallel Software

Hasan U. Akay, Resat U. Payli, Erdal Oktay, Xiaoyin He
A Code Coupling Application for Solid-Fluid Interactions and Parallel Computing
USA, CFD Laboratory, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

Johan Akerholm, Bjorn Jernstrom, Kenneth G. Eriksson
Automatic Design Optimization using Fluent and Epogy Softwares in Linux cluster environment
Finland, Process Flow Ltd Oy

Anton A. Mironov
Capabilities and Applications of the GasDynamicsTool 5.5 parallel version
Russia, GDT Software Group

Andrey S. Zhdanov, A. N. Bykov
Combined Model OpenMP & MPI for Parallel Computations in Gas Dynamics Program

Victor P. Ivannikov, Serguei Gaissaryan, Arutyun I. Avetisyan, Vartan Padaryan
Development of Scalable Parallel Programs in ParJava Environment
Russia, Institute for System Programming, Russian Academy of Sciences

R. Bellavista, R. Mella, Pasquale Schiano
Experencies by Using Itanium 2-based Parallel Computers for Industrial CFD Codes
Italy, Italian Aerospace Research Center (CIRA)

Andrey A. Aksenov, Sergey A. Kharchenko, Vladimir N. Konshin, Victor I. Pokhilko
FlowVision Software: Numerical Simulation of Industrial CFD Applications on Parallel Computer Systems
Russia, Institute for Computer Aided Design, Russian Academy of Sciences

Parvaz K. Berzigiyarov, Vadim V. Kim, Igor V. Lomonosov, Afanasiy V. Ostrik, Valeriy G. Sultanov
Massive Parallel Computations in Gas Dynamics
Russia, Institute for Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences

Sergey V. Timchenko, V. Bimatov, P. Kuznecov, Yu. Sidorenko
Multiobjective Asynchrone Parallel Genetic Algorithm for Reentry Trajectory Optimization
Russia, Tomsk State University

Dominique Eyheramendy
Object-oriented parallel CFD with JAVA
France, ISTIL - MCS - Lyon 1 University

Sergey P. Kopyssov, Ilya V. Krasnoperov, A. K. Novikov, V. N. Rychkov
Object-oriented Software for Domain Decomposition Methods with Local Adaptive Refinement
Russia, Institute of Applied Mechanics, Ural Branch of RAS

Alexey V. Moriakov, Vladimir P. Vasyukhno, Mikhail E. Netecha, Grigori A. Khacheresov
Programs LUCKY & LUCKY_C - 3D Parallel Transport Codes for the Multi-group Transport Equation Solution for XYZ Geometry by PmSn Method
Russia, Russian Research Centre, "Kurchatov Institute"

VIII. Heat and Mass Transfer Problems

Anil E. Deane, Paul Fischer
A Spectral-Element Model of Mantle Convection
USA, Institute for Physical Science and Technology, University of Maryland

Sule Celasun, Yylmaz Ozturk
An example to the numerical processing of nonisothermal flow of non-Newtonian fluids
Turkey, Istanbul Technical University, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Manel Soria, Xavier Trias, Carlos-David Perez-Segarra, Assensi Oliva
Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Natural Convection Flows Using PC Clusters
Spain, ETSEIT - Centre Tecnologic de Transferencia de Calor

Michael G. Gogrichiani, Anatoly V. Shipilin
Iterative Method for Matching Solutions to the Heat Balance Equations for Different Parts of a Thermoelectric Cooler
Russia, Computing Center after A.A.Dorodnitsyn, Russian Academy of Sciences

Dmitrii V. Lyubimov, Tatiana P. Lyubimova, G. A. Sedelnikov
Numerical investigation of three dimensional convective flows in horizontal canals
Russia, Perm State University

James M. McDonough, Tianliang Yang, M. Sheetz
Parallelization of a Modern CFD Incompressible Turbulent Flow Code
USA, Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics, University of Kentucky

IX. Aerodynamic and Hydrodynamic Flows

Sergei V. Peigin, Boris Epshtein, S. Gali
Multilevel Paralellization Strategy for Optimization of Aerodynamic Shapes
Israel, Israel Aircraft Industries, Engineering Division

Yu. D. Shevelev, F. A. Maximov, V. A. Mihalin, N. G. Syzranova
Numerical Modeling of External 3-D CFD problem on the Parallel Computers and Aerodynamic Shape Optimization
Russia, Insitute for Computer Aided Design, Russian Academy of Sciences

Nobuyuki Satofuka, Koji Morinishi, Keigo Kamitsuji
Parallel Computation of Micro Fluid Dynamic Problems
Japan, Kyoto Institute of Technology

David R. Emerson, X. J. Gu, R. W. Barber
Simulating Microfluidic Devices on Parallel Computers
United Kingdom, CLRC Daresbury Laboratory

Zoran Constantinescu, Jens Holmen, Pavel Petrovic
Using Distributed Computing in Computational Fluid Dynamics
Norway, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Computer Science

Stend reports:

I. Numerical Methods and Parallel Algorithms

Alexandr I. Oleinikov, Anton O. Kuzmin
Developing of the Method and Software for Parallel Computing of Layered Medium Flows in Parallel
Russia, Institute of Mechanical engineering and Metallurgy, Far East Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences

Tamara A. Sushkevich, Sergey A. Strelkov, Ekaterina V. Vladimirova, Ekaterina I. Ignatijeva, Alexey K. Kulikov, Svetlana V. Maksakova, Vladimir V. Kozoderov
Influence Functions Method and Parallel Calculations for Numerical Solution to Boundary-value Problem or Radiation Transfer Theory In Two-Media Systems
Russia, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences

Valeri V. Kondrashov
Method of virtual Z - cells via of grids superposition
Belarus, Luikov Heat & Mass Transfer Institute

Tatiana G. Elizarova, Olga Yu. Miliukova
Parallel Algorithm for Numerical Simulation of 3D Incompressible Flows
Russia, Institute for Mathematical Modelling, Russian Academy of Sciences

Aleksey K. Alekseev
Parallel Calculation of Uncertainty Propagation in CFD Using Adjoint Equations
Russia, Department of Aerodynamics and Heat Transfer, RSC ENERGIA

Leonid I. Skurin
Parallel Version of the Iterative Space-Marching Method for Navier-Stokes equations
Russia, St. Petersburg State University

Evgeny V. Shilnikov
Viscous Gas Flow Simulation on Nested Grids Using Multiprocessor Computer Systems
Russia, Institute for Mathematical Modelling, Russian Academy of Sciences

II. Turbulence and Acoustics Problems

Anatoli V. Aleksandrov, Vladimir G. Bobkov, Tatiana K. Kozubskaya
Simulation of Acoustic Noise Suppression in Liner Element
Russia, Institute for Mathematical Modelling, Russian Academy of Sciences

III. Combustion Problems

Victor S. Abrukov, Pavel V. Deltsov
Artificial Neural Networks for Combustion Interferrometry and Other Optical Methods of Combustion Diagnostics and Control
Russia, Chuvash State University

V. Environment and Ecology Problems

Alexandre V. Starchenko
A Numerical Prediction of Urban Air Pollution on MultiComputers
Russia, Department of Numerical Mathematics, Tomsk State University

Shamil A. Otsokov, Sheih-Magomed A. Ismailov
Application of Methods Error-free Calculations in Hydrology
Russia, Daghestan State Technical University

Alexander I. Sukhinov
Economical 3D Hydrodynamic Model for Homogeneous Water Basins and its Parallel Realization
Russia, Taganrog State University of Radio-Engineering

Alexander S. Rusakov, N. A. Diansky
Parallel Ocean General Circulation Model fîr Distributed Memory Computer Systems
Russia, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technologies

Alexey V. Moriakov, Anatoli V. Nikitin
The Experience of Mathematical Modelling of Radioactive Nuclei Mass Transport Dynamics by Parallel Computer Code
Russia, Research and Development Institute of Power Engineering

VI. Plasma and Kinetics Problems

Evgene N. Donskoy, A. N. Zalyalov
Bresstrahlung Account in Photon Transport

VII. Parallel Software

Dmitry B. Babayev, Alexei V. Medvedev
Architecture of Parallel CFD Code for Hybrid Computer Systems
Russia, GDT Software Group

Leonid P. Kamenshchikov
Some Examples of Parallel Programs Based on DVM Approach
Russia, Institute of Computational Modeling, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences

Peter S. Krinov, Mikhail V. Iakobovski, Sergey V. Muravyov
Large Data Volume Visualisation on Distributed Multiprocessor Systems
Russia, Institute for Mathematical Modelling, Russian Academy of Sciences

VIII. Heat and Mass Transfer Problems

Alexander Lapin, Erkki Laitinen, J. Pieska
Parallel Solution of Stefan Problem with Prescribed Convection
Russia, Department of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Kazan State University

IX. Aerodynamic and Hydrodynamic Flows

Yurii V. Sheretov, Mikhail V. Semenov
Analysis of the Problem on the Flow Round a Ball on the Base of Quasi-hydrodynamic Equations in Stokes Approximation
Russia, Tver State University

Boris N. Chetverushkin, Natalia G. Churbanova, Natalia Yu. Romanyukha, Marina A. Trapeznikova
Solution of Computational Fluid Dynamics Problems on Parallel Computers with Distributed Memory
Russia, Institute for Mathematical Modelling, Russian Academy of Sciences