Local Organizing Committee ParCFD 2003

Boris N. Chetverushkin, corresponding member of RAS, Institute for Mathematical Modelling - Co-chair
Gennadi I. Savin, member of RAS, Joint Supercomputer Center - Co-chair

Andrei A. Kuleshov, Institute for Mathematical Modelling - Scientific secretary
Natalia Yu. Romanyukha, Institute for Mathematical Modelling - Scientific secretary

E-mail of Local Organizing Committee: pcfd03@imamod.ru

Oleg M. Belotserkovski, member of RAS, Institute for Computer Aided Design, RAS
Vladimir E. Fortov, member of RAS, Institute of High Energy Density Physics, RAS
Radiy I. Ilkaev, corr. member of RAS, RFNC-VNIIEF
Mikhail P. Kirpichnikov, member of RAS, Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology
Sergey S. Markianov, Russian Academy of Science
Sergey N. Mazurenko, Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology
Veniamin P. Myasnikov, member of RAS, Institute of Automation and Control Processes, RAS
Viktor A. Sadovnichi, member of RAS, Moscow State University
Oleg V. Syuntyurenko, Russian Foundation for Basic Researches
Valentin V. Voevodin, member of RAS, Institute of Numerical Mathematics, RAS
Aleksey V. Zabrodin, corr. member of RAS, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, RAS
Aleksey B. Zhizhchenko, corr. member of RAS, Russian Academy of Science