Package for 3D visualization - RemoteViewer

Authors: Dr. Mikhail V. Iakobovski, PhD-St. Petr S. Krinov

Interactive package for distributed visualization RemoteViewer is created for remote processing of huge files. Package RemoteViewer is designed for static and dynamical visualization of results of large-scale computing experiments, processed on multiprocessor systems. Modelling of complex nonlinear 3D problems on groups of dozens and hundreds of processors results in receiving such results that they can not be processed in interactive mode on users workplaces using standard visualization tools. There are three reasons for it:

- Ordinary personal computers possess insufficient operative memory and insufficient productivity for processing files obtained with use of multiprocessor systems.
RemoteViewer uses for file input and processing the same multiprocessor system that guarantees presence of sufficient volume of operative memory and provides sufficient productivity;

- Carrying capacity of local and especially global nets does not allow quick transmission of huge data.
RemoteViewer effectively selects out of the general volume of data the only data, required for visual image construction and compresses it before transmission through the net. As a result, the volume of transmitting data reduces several hundreds times, which is suitable for interactive mode;

- During visualizations of data given on thickening grids with large number of nodes, large groups of grid points fall on the majority of screen pixels. Herewith the  information on the behavior of the functions concerned in these points is lost almost completely. Usage of the standard zoom for zooming of the fragment of scene can not help since the area of scene to be enlarged is not known a priori.
RemoteViewer supports the automatic highlighting of particularities of behavior of the data under study field and prompts the most "interesting" zones for analysis.

Figure 1. User client.

Package for 3D visualization  RemoteViewer is created on base of client/server model (see Functional scheme on Figure 2) and successfully works in heterogeneous TPC/IP nets. Server part is started on multiprocessor system of computing center (where visualizing data is stored), while client part is started on user's personal computer.

Figure 2. Functional scheme of package.

For increasing of clearness a package RemoteViewer can create stereo images of objects under study and rotate them in virtual space provided that user’s personal computer is equipped with modern multimedia hardware such as 3D graphical accelerator, stereo glasses, 3D tracker.  This is possible because of use of Direct3D and OpenGL technologies at 3D scenes creating.

Figure 3. Examples of visualization.
